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Why You Should Use A Height-Adjustable Desk

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Sitting at a desk all day is one of the most common things in the world. Most of us spend at least eight hours or more sitting in a chair while working, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for us! While being sedentary can have many negative effects on our bodies, there are some ways to reduce those effects through simple changes like getting an adjustable desk.

Increased Concentration

When you’re sitting at a desk for too long, your focus can start to flag. You might find yourself thinking about things other than the task at hand—and if you’re not careful, your mind will start to wander more and more. This loss of focus can make it hard to get things done and keep on track with what needs to be done.

When you work at a standing desk instead of a regular one, though, this problem is all but eliminated. Standing up forces you to shift your body around throughout the day (which helps keep blood flowing), which keeps your mind alert and attentive as well. Additionally, because most people are used to sitting down when they’re working on their computers or laptops these days but not when they’re reading or watching television (unless they have a recliner chair), standing increases cognitive activity by forcing us out of our usual routines!

Increase Productivity

Standing up for short periods of time can help you focus better, think more clearly, stay alert and stay awake. Your brain needs to be activated in order to increase your productivity. For example, if you’re sitting down working on a project or reading something it’s likely that you could become distracted by something else that catches your eye. However when you stand up while doing the same task it will be hard for your mind to wander off because standing causes an increased heart rate which in turn increases blood flow throughout the whole body keeping all systems running smoothly including those associated with mental processes such as concentration and focus

It gives you more energy throughout the day

If you’re like most people, the thought of standing up at your desk sounds exhausting. If you’re already feeling tired, why would adding another activity to your daily routine make sense?

But it turns out that what could be more fatiguing than sitting at a desk all day? Research has shown that standing desks can increase energy levels and improve moods, which in turn reduces fatigue. And who doesn’t want to feel less stressed and more energized during their workday?

Reduce Back Pain

Sitting at a desk all day is a great way to get back pain. The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases reports that sitting for more than six hours each day can increase the risk of developing chronic back pain by 50%.

However, sitting at an adjustable desk can help reduce the chances of getting back pain. An adjustable desk allows you to adjust how high or low your seat is by raising or lowering it with a press of a button. Your workplace should be able to offer you one as part of their corporate health plan or it’s easy enough for you to buy one on your own (just make sure it fits in with the rest of your office furniture).

If you’re planning on buying an adjustable height sit-stand desk, make sure that the top surface is large enough so that when standing up there isn’t too much movement while typing away on your keyboard or mouse pad; some models offer extension tops which are perfect for this kind of application!

ADVANCE | Premium Dual Motor Height Adjustable Desk

Height adjustable desks

Better Posture

  • You’re probably aware of the importance of good posture, especially if you work in an office. But did you know that there are many different types of desks and chair configurations that affect your body in different ways?

FORGE | Executive Industrial Raw Steel Dual Motor Height Adjustable DeskForge Desk

  • For example, a sit-to-stand desk allows you to change positions throughout the day while maintaining proper spinal alignment. This helps prevent pain and injury while improving energy levels and concentration.
  • A slanted desk can help you maintain good posture by encouraging one hip to be higher than the other, which encourages better alignment along your spine.

DUO | Premium Double Back-To-Back Height Adjustable Bench Desk

DUO Height Adjustbale Desk

  • A standing desk is another option for those who want their feet on the ground while they work at a computer all day long (especially if they feel like sitting down would be detrimental to their health).

Health Benefits

It’s also worth noting that sitting all day is terrible for you—even if you stand occasionally or take frequent breaks from sitting, one study found that “sitting time was associated with increased risk of death from all causes.” By forcing yourself into more active positions throughout the day, an adjustable standing desk can help ensure that you’re not putting yourself at risk by sitting too much.

Just because most people sit all day at work doesn’t mean that sitting is good for you. Switch it up a bit by getting an adjustable desk!

It doesn’t matter if you’re an office worker, a freelancer, or just like to sit in front of your computer for a few hours every day. The fact is that most of us sit for long periods of time without even realizing it—and that’s not necessarily great for our health. Luckily, there’s an easy fix: For all those who want to reap the benefits of standing while working and get rid of soreness in their lower bodies (or other parts), consider getting an adjustable desk!

MINI | Premium Dual Motor Compact Sit Stand Desk – 1000×600

Mini compact sit stand desk

The first thing you need to know is what kind of adjustable desk will work best for you. This will depend on how tall or short you are, as well as where your chair is located and whether or not it has arms (which can make adjusting the height challenging). If none of these factors apply then choosing simply comes down to personal preference – either way they’re both great options! Either way though there are many things worth knowing before making any final decisions…

In conclusion, it’s clear that there are many benefits to using a height-adjustable desk. Even if you don’t think you need one at first glance, remember that the best time to start something is right now!




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