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Annie Farmer

Sales Executive

Annie Farmer


20 Questions with Annie Farmer: 

Nickname:  Thanks to some of my more “special” friends creating this and it catching on; I most commonly go by ‘Fanny Pack’ (or ‘Pack’ for short).

Eye colour:  Greeeeeeeeen!

Special talent:  Singer/Crafter

Favourite food:  This is a hard one as I’m a bit of a foodie! If I was to pick something that I’d never get bored of – I’d say a good old Roast Pork Dinner with all the trimmings!

First thing you notice about someone:  Their Smile!! It’s a very special and attractive thing – in many ways.

Favourite book/film:  Little Women!

Farthest you’ve been from home:  The US of A!

Dream job:  Tough! Performing on the West End would be a dream! – but I’d love to meet new people and see the world, so Air Hostess has always ranked highly…. I’d grab whichever opportunity came first!

Dream destination:  A Safari/back packing trip through either Africa or Asia!

Thing you like least about yourself:  My lack of confidence.

Favourite Ice-cream flavour:  I don’t have a favourite really, but one I would always pick up if it’s there, is Strawberry Cheesecake! Yummy!

Fictional place you would most like to visit:  Narnia!

What you be if you were an animal:  Bird – I’d love the absolute freedom and the ability to take in everything!

Skill you most wish you had:  It’s a “Daddy or Chips” moment…..”Violinist or Surfer”…… most?….VIOLINIST!

Most immature habit:  Breaking wind…

Favourite season:  Autumn! The colours are just amazing!

Title of the current chapter of your life:  “The Life of a Thesp”

Personality trait you most value in others:  Loyalty.

Favourite sound:  Water! – can be anything, a river, lake or the sea. Completely calms me!

Your pearl of wisdom:  If you try and live by one motto, you’ll always limit yourself. We are always learning!

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