Amy Hargreaves

Sales & Marketing Administrator

Amy Hargreaves BW


20 Questions with Amy Hargreaves: 

Nickname:  Ams

Eye colour:  Hazel

Special talent:  Ballet + Climbing (not at the same time)

Favourite food:  I love a good pasta dish, with garlic bread and lots of cheese!

First thing you notice about someone:  Their outfit, how someone expresses themselves is interesting

Favourite book/film:  Film: Step Up – a classic

Farthest you’ve been from home:  Went to volunteer in Africa, no signal to even call the parents

Dream job:  Travel influencer, vlogging while touring the world!

Dream destination:  On a beach in Thailand

Thing you like least about yourself:  Overthinking

Favourite Ice-cream flavour:  Mint chocolate

Fictional place you would most like to visit:  Hogwarts

What would you be if you were an animal:  Flamingo

Skill you most wish you had:  More confidence!

Most immature habit:  Can’t stop biting my nails

Favourite season:  Summer, unless a winter ski holiday

Title of the current chapter of your life:  Let’s drink tea

Personality trait you most value in others:  A good listener

Favourite sound:  Walking in flipflops

Your pearl of wisdom:  Everything happens for a reason, just relax

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